
Theatre Review – Tarragon/Studio 180, François Archambault’s You Will Remember Me

Studio 180, under artistic director Joel Greenberg, deliberately chooses plays that provoke. By presenting material on the edge, the company always guarantees an interesting visit to the theatre, and I mean interesting in the very best sense of the word. At the heart of François Archambault’s play, You Will Remember Me, is a family living […]

Theatre Review – Off-Mirvish and Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre/Seminar by Theresa Rebeck

Seminar, a 2011 play by the prolific American writer Theresa Rebeck, is a thoroughly enjoyable theatre experience, until, that is, you get to the drippy Hollywood ending (but more about that later). Seminar is also a very New York play, filled with sassy, insult humour that is a hallmark of Big Apple playwriting. The setting […]

Theatre Review – Theatre Smash/Fu-Gen Asian Theatre Company – Julia Cho’s Durango

Julia Cho is a much-admired American playwright so any work of hers is highly anticipated. The combined forces of Theatre Smash and Fu-Gen have come together to present the Canadian premiere of Durango to mixed results – excellent acting, awkward production values. There’s a saying that any ethnic can relate to any ethnic play, and […]

Equestrian Arts Review – Odysseo

No matter how many times I’ve seen Cavalia and Odysseo, they remain among the most beautiful productions in my long theatre-going life. First some background. When Cavalia burst onto the scene in 2003, it was unlike any other show. The spectacle under the Big Top merged horses, riders and acrobats in the most ingenious way. […]

Theatre Review – Tarragon and Volcano Theatres//Hannah Moscovitch’s Infinity

The plays of Hannah Moscovitch are smart, sassy and sophisticated. Her themes run deep and reflect her keen intelligence. Her strong characters and sharp dialogue can’t help but lure the audience. But here comes the “but”…Moscovitch might be writing about people in crisis, but her plays are medium cool. I admire her artistry but I’m […]