
Theatre Review – Pulse Theatre/The Woods Are Dark and Deep by Mladen Obradovic

The Woods Are Dark and Deep is one of those plays whose heart is in the right place, but one that needs work. Clearly, playwright Mladen Obradovic is passionate about his subject – the little known fact that during World War 1, Canada put 8500 immigrants into 24 internment camps, including whole families, who had […]

Theatre Review – Canadian Stage/Unsafe by Sook-Yin Lee

Unsafe is billed as a performance documentary that is an inquiry into censorship and art in Canada. It is also the story of its own creation, as it were, because we follow how the idea behind Unsafe, grew into the show now being performed at the Berkeley. It is also, of course, something much more. […]

Theatre Review – Theatre Passe Muraille, Pencil Kit Productions & Aluna Theatre/Chicho by Augusto Bitter

From the program cover: “Chicho: (NOT Chico!) – a queer-Catholic-man-boy from Venezuela”. And that, in a nutshell is what this one-man show is all about. If there is a more charismatic performer gracing Toronto stages this year than Augusto Bitter, I’d be very surprised. Bitter is both the writer and performer of Chicho, and he […]

Theatre Review – Obsidian Theatre & Nightwood Theatre/School Girls; Or, The African Mean Girls Play by Jocelyn Bioh

Among the many refreshing elements of Jocelyn Bioh’s School Girls; Or, The African Mean Girls Play, is that it features schoolgirls who happen to be black. With a little customization, these girls could be Jewish, Italian, Chinese or whatever. In other words, this play allows us to see black girls in their own specific context, […]

Theatre Review – Paradigm Productions/The Philosopher’s Wife (Part 1 of The Empire Trilogy) by Susanna Fournier

The Philosopher’s Wife by Susanna Fournier is one of those deeply intelligent and subversive plays that would look at home being performed at Stratford’s Studio Theatre. It has just the right kind of heft and gravitas (not to mention wry humour) that would appeal to a smart and discerning audience. The work is the first […]